lockdown|lockdowns in English


situation in which prisoners are confined to their cells (in an attempt to restore order after a riot or disturbance)

Use "lockdown|lockdowns" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lockdown|lockdowns" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lockdown|lockdowns", or refer to the context using the word "lockdown|lockdowns" in the English Dictionary.

1. Initiate lockdown protocols.

2. We're in lockdown mode.

3. DeSantis’ favorite scientists Bemoan lockdowns, masks, contact tracing Gov

4. All prisoners report for lockdown.

5. WHO Reverses Course, Now Advises Against Use of 'Punishing' Lockdowns

6. The Bruvs have been busy during lockdown.

7. Merkel Backs 'short, uniform lockdown' across Germany

8. Repeatedly this year we have heard the admonition, from acolytes of Covid-19 lockdowns, to “follow the science.” Many of the Admonishers presume that lockdown skeptics are myopic, “anti-science” miscreants infected with a reckless disregard for human health, safety, and life.

9. Community lockdown restrictions have fallen away today as the Bailiwick reaches the end of its latest - and hopefully last - lockdown

10. Watch: Laurence Fox Criticises police at London lockdown protest

11. Following lockdown measures, Confidences shop cannot welcome any public

12. The Imatges Barcelona portal includes unpublished photos of Barcelona taken during the lockdown and the lockdown-exit process caused by the Covid-19 crisis.

13. As for lockdown or surveillance technologies, forget it.

14. 1 day ago · WHY THE LOCKDOWNS ARE BEING Continuously EXTENDED

15. Today on Lockdown, we're talking phones in jail.

16. 2 days ago · Clashes in Europe spread as protesters question lockdowns and policing

17. Stay At home/lockdown guidance - easy read version updated

18. Anzac Day: In coronavirus lockdown, dawn remembrance on driveways

19. Establishment Now Advocating Lockdowns — Not to Save You From Covid, But from Climate Change

20. For months, far-right Activists have rallied against masks and lockdowns imposed during the coronavirus pandemic

21. Oil Plunge Deepens With Renewed Lockdowns Clouding Horizon Andres Guerra Luz and Alex Longley 1 day ago

22. The Brutalization of College Students During Lockdowns Added by Debra Tash on March 12, 2021

23. Abrupt but smaller than expected changes in surface air quality attributable to COVID-19 lockdowns

24. Germany COVID: Angela Merkel Backtracks on Easter lockdown after uproar

25. And so this southern port city is truly in lockdown.